Here you will find all the information you need for aspiring umpires, and qualified umpires with details of local courses. Below you can also register as an umpire for the Huddersfield League. :: CLICK HERE ::
Umpire Registration Scheme
In order to ensure that as a league we have an accurate listing of umpires affiliated with teams, we have created a new registration process. This process is designed to capture those unqualified umpires who are studying and practising for their C award, and all qualified umpires who are available to umpire in our league. This information will be collated and made available to all teams as we usually do, in order to make the necessary umpiring arrangements for matches. This registration form can also be used to notify the league when your umpire passes the next qualification and moves up a level. You can also register up to 8 umpires - so if you are a club secretary, this option is also available! Click Here to register!
In order to ensure that as a league we have an accurate listing of umpires affiliated with teams, we have created a new registration process. This process is designed to capture those unqualified umpires who are studying and practising for their C award, and all qualified umpires who are available to umpire in our league. This information will be collated and made available to all teams as we usually do, in order to make the necessary umpiring arrangements for matches. This registration form can also be used to notify the league when your umpire passes the next qualification and moves up a level. You can also register up to 8 umpires - so if you are a club secretary, this option is also available! Click Here to register!
Here you will find information on the C Award Umpiring Pathway and the next step after taking your course.
Please click here to visit Netball West Yorkshire for details of any forthcoming dates to undertake the C Award Written Paper
Here you will find information on the C Award Umpiring Pathway and the next step after taking your course.
Please click here to visit Netball West Yorkshire for details of any forthcoming dates to undertake the C Award Written Paper